Schweizer and Schweizerinnen can now no longer use their smartphones

Check out the sin of Digital Detox one. If you look on your smartphone, you can view everything in Schweiz, which is a representation in the European states.

Digital Detox, view on smartphones and tablets, there is Achtsamkeit.

Digital Detox, view on smartphones and tablets, there is Achtsamkeit.

Image: Getty

Once you are in the street or in the street, you do not look: Viele Menschen suchen Entschleunigung. You can view the time on computer and tablet and on your smartphone, Digital Detox.

If you look at the smartphone while you are watching, it is clear that you are getting a view. I am a representative of a study by the Swiss market researchers YouGov in the online trading of Galaxus where 1000 people from Switzerland, from Germany, Austria, Italy and France are fragmented.

41 Prozent display is not useful

Once you know that all Schweizers and Schweizerinnen now no longer have a smartphone. If there is a problem with the search for information and information about the following: Four of the fragments are about, it is not a digital Auszeit. In France and Österreich, the day of four messages offline is the most effective. In der Schweiz view nur 15 Prozent taglich.

Interestingly, it is never again the case that you can do more. They are often offline. I’m looking at more half of the 45 to 79 age group when I’m off digital devices. It is not important to exceed the length of time. 63 Prozent in der Schweiz verzichten eenige Stunden, nur 7 Prozent een geese Tag.

Die Einsicht, dass zu fout Bildschirmpräsenz harms, reift. It is a great idea to experience the study autonomy, while the previous display on the digital screen gives more family time, friendship and personal interest in the family. In der Schweiz, half of the detoxer will have more time for no digital hobbies, 46 percent for family and friends, a drop for less stress and besseren Schlaf die. In all other states, Switzerland is the Time for Family and Friends of the most important Grund for digital Entgiftung.

Family and friends are the main motivation for all generations. While the young person has the feeling that the woman after the besserem Schlaf, little Stress and digital Konsum plays more products on a role.

Verschiedene Strategies voor de Entgiftung

The strategies, a Detox treatment, are different. In Switzerland, in Germany, Austria and Italy, the majority of the Befragten ihr Handig a little or schliessen is gone. In Schweiz machen das 60 Prozent, een foursome schaltet das Gerät ganz or der zomindest de Benachrichtigungen. Every time you use the Entgiftung, our offline times and offline solar apps are used, but the Bildschirmzeit is available. The Österreicher can use Offline zones every day.

39 Enjoy your time in Switzerland with your digital experiences. Problematic for the fragmentation here is the lack of support for families and friends (30%) and the lack of separation (20%). 14 Prozent wollen nichts verpass en haben deshalb Mühe mit dem Abstellen. There is a problem with the hand that deals with the following: Drei Prozent verspüren Unruhe und Angst, when your smartphone is enlarged.

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